Strong winds can cause significant damage to your roof. Understanding the signs of wind damage and knowing what to look for can help you take prompt action to protect your home. 

We’ve earned best-in-class accolades from serving the Jenks community and surrounding areas. We’re proud that we’ve earned a reputation for honest work and fair pricing amongst Jenks homeowners. We strive to provide Jenks homeowners transparent information so they can make informed decisions when it comes to their roof. If your roof has storm damage, it’s important to get it inspected immediately. Having a roofing contractor perform a free inspection can let you know if you need to get started on the claims process.

In this article, we will explore the various indicators of wind damage and discuss why addressing these issues promptly is crucial.

Understanding Wind Damage

Before diving into the signs of wind damage, it’s essential to grasp the mechanics behind it. Wind can exert considerable force on your roof, especially during storms or hurricanes. The severity of the damage will depend on various factors, including wind speed, direction, and the condition of your roof.

Strong winds can loosen and dislodge shingles, create gaps, and even compromise the structure of your roof. These damages can lead to leaks, water damage, and other costly issues if left untreated.

Can Wind Really Damage My Roof?

When strong winds hit your roof, they create uplift, causing air to flow under your shingles. This uplift can lead to shingle breakages, curling, or complete removal. Additionally, wind pressure can push against the side of your roof, causing the shingles to lift and separate from the roof deck.

This separation can create vulnerabilities, allowing rainwater to seep into your home. Over time, this water intrusion can lead to extensive damage to your ceilings, walls, and insulation.

The impact of wind on your roof depends on the shape and design of your house. The angle of the roof, the presence of nearby structures, and the surrounding landscape can all influence how wind interacts with your roof. For example, if your house is located in an open area with no nearby tall buildings or trees to disrupt the wind flow, it may experience stronger gusts and higher wind pressures.

How Wind Damages Different Roof Types

The impact of wind on your roof can vary depending on the type of roofing material you have. Asphalt shingles, commonly used in residential roofs, are particularly vulnerable to wind damage. The wind can easily lift these shingles, leading to their breakage or displacement.

Other roofing materials, such as metal or tile, may be more resistant to wind damage. However, strong winds can still cause them to loosen or shift, compromising the integrity of your roof and making it susceptible to future damage.

It’s important to note that the age and maintenance of your roof also play a significant role in its resistance to wind damage. An older roof with worn-out shingles or inadequate installation is more likely to suffer severe wind damage compared to a newer, well-maintained roof.

Signs of wind damage on your roof from Native Roofing

Early Signs of Wind Damage on Your Roof

To effectively address wind damage, it’s crucial to identify it early on. Here are some key signs to look out for:

Missing or Damaged Shingles:

One of the most apparent signs of wind damage is missing or damaged shingles. Strong winds can easily tear shingles off your roof or cause them to become cracked, curled, or torn. Do a visual inspection of your roof after a storm or high-wind event to check for any missing or compromised shingles. When shingles are missing or damaged, it exposes the underlying layers of your roof to the elements. This can lead to further issues such as water leaks and structural damage. It’s important to address missing or damaged shingles promptly to prevent more extensive repairs down the line. Additionally, if you notice any loose shingles on your property or in your yard after a windstorm, it’s a good idea to have your roof inspected by a professional.

Granules in Gutters:

Another red flag indicating wind damage is finding granules in your gutters. Asphalt shingles have a protective layer of granules, which shields them from the elements. However, when winds lift or damage shingles, these granules can dislodge and end up in your gutters. Check your gutters regularly for granule accumulation, as it may indicate wind damage. Granule loss can compromise the integrity of your shingles, making them more susceptible to further damage from wind, rain, and UV rays. If you notice a significant amount of granules in your gutters, it’s a sign that your roof may need attention. Consider contacting a roofing professional to assess the extent of the damage and recommend appropriate repairs or replacements.

Leaks and Water Damage:

Water stains on your ceiling or walls are signs of a leaking roof. Wind damage can create openings in your roof, allowing water to infiltrate your home. Inspect your attic periodically for signs of water intrusion, such as damp insulation or water stains. If you notice any leaks, addressing them promptly is crucial to prevent further damage. When wind damage compromises the integrity of your roof, it can lead to leaks that can cause significant water damage to your home’s interior. In addition to water stains, you may also notice mold or mildew growth, musty odors, or even sagging ceilings. It’s important to address any signs of water damage immediately to prevent further deterioration of your home’s structure and potential health hazards. Remember, wind damage to your roof should never be ignored. Even if the signs seem minor, it’s always best to have a professional inspect your roof to assess the extent of the damage and recommend appropriate repairs. Taking proactive measures can help you avoid costly repairs in the future and ensure the long-term durability of your roof.

Early Signs of Wind Damage on Your Roof

In some cases, wind damage can be more severe. Here are some indicators of significant roof damage:

Split or Cracked Shingles:

If you observe shingles with visible splits or cracks, it is a sure sign of substantial wind damage. These damaged shingles can no longer provide adequate protection against water infiltration. Replacing them promptly is necessary to prevent further roof deterioration and potential leaks. When shingles are split or cracked, it means that the wind has exerted a tremendous force on them. The powerful gusts have caused the shingles to weaken and break, leaving your roof vulnerable to the elements. Without the proper protection, rainwater can seep through the damaged shingles, leading to water damage inside your home. It is crucial to address this issue promptly to avoid further complications.

Major Leaks and Water Stains:

While minor leaks can result from moderate wind damage, major leaks and widespread water stains often indicate more severe roof damage. If you notice water dripping from your ceiling or extensive water stains, it is essential to address the issue immediately to prevent further structural damage and mold growth. When wind damage is severe, it can compromise the integrity of your roof, allowing water to penetrate through the vulnerable areas. Major leaks and extensive water stains are clear signs that your roof has suffered significant damage, and immediate action is necessary. Water infiltration can lead to various problems within your home. Besides damaging your ceiling and walls, it can also create an ideal environment for mold growth. Mold thrives in damp and dark spaces, and a leaking roof provides the perfect conditions for it to spread. Mold not only causes structural damage but also poses health risks to you and your family.

Visible Sagging or Structural Damage:

In rare cases, severe wind damage can cause visible sagging or structural damage to your roof. If you notice any significant deformities in your roofline or observe visible damage to the roof structure, it is critical to seek professional assistance. These issues can compromise the safety and stability of your entire home. When wind gusts are exceptionally strong, they can exert immense pressure on your roof, causing it to sag or even sustain structural damage. Visible sagging or deformities in your roofline are alarming signs that your home’s structural integrity is at risk. Structural damage can have severe consequences, including the potential collapse of your roof. It is crucial to seek professional help immediately if you notice any signs of visible sagging or structural damage. Professionals will assess the extent of the damage and recommend the necessary repairs or reinforcements to ensure the safety and stability of your home. Ignoring visible sagging or structural damage can lead to catastrophic outcomes. The compromised roof structure may not be able to withstand future windstorms, putting your family and belongings in danger. By addressing these issues promptly, you can prevent further damage and ensure the long-term safety of your home.

Was Your Home Damaged By Severe Wind?

Leaving wind damage unattended can create potential risks for your home. Water infiltration from compromised areas can lead to mold growth, insulation damage, and even structural issues. Furthermore, ignoring wind damage can make your roof more vulnerable to future storms, exacerbating the damage and increasing repair costs. Delaying essential roof repairs can be costly in the long run. Small wind damage can quickly escalate into more extensive problems, requiring more extensive repairs or even a complete roof replacement. By addressing the damage early on, you can save yourself from significant financial burden down the line.

Native Roofing and Construction serves Jenks, Oklahoma and the surrounding areas. We are proud of the stellar reputation we’ve earned from Bixby homeowners. Whether you’ve noticed some warning signs of a leak, or if you’re due for an annual inspection – contact us today to schedule!

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